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Our purpose

Through Good Investment we carefully select assets that add long‑term value and act collectively to encourage systemic change. 

Our purpose is to help clients maximise their impact on society by harnessing the power of investment markets.
This requires us to provide a supportive and stable environment for staff and deliver trusted, responsibly managed and strongly performing products and services to our clients.

Church of England

A range of investment solutions. The fund's policies are set by CCLA and are grounded in the advice created by the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group.

Charities and churches

Our clients are united through the determination to maximise their positive impact on society.  We support thousands of missions with investments suitable for the short, medium and long term.

Local authorities

With sustainable investing becoming a mainstream consideration for local authority investors, we are a trusted manager for more than £2.5 billion of local government assets as at 30 September 2024.

Professional investors

Designed for individual investors, these funds build on our history of pioneering sustainable investment for charities, churches and local authorities.


Guardians of our clients’ investments

We take pride in looking after the investments of more charities than any other UK asset manager. 


Largest UK manager by number of charities (Charity Finance)

Supporting our clients

170+ team of staff supporting clients across the UK. 


assets under management


A history of values-based investing

CCLA has been leading the investment industry in collective action for decades.


of investing responsibly and ethically

A force for good

CCLA initiatives in mental health, 
climate change and modern slavery.


supporting CCLA initiatives

At CCLA, we believe that the primary role of sustainable investment is to drive positive change.