CCLA Investment Seminar – London

Thursday 27 April 

One Angel Lane, London, EC4R 3AB

12.30 – 6.00 pm

The 2023 Investment Seminar Series is designed to enable you to do more than just meet your obligations in managing your charity. We hope that the knowledge and insights, shared in a practical and accessible way, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, will help you make the best use of your investments in an environment of significant change.


12.30pm Registration and buffet lunch 

1.30pm Seminar starts, topics include: 

  • Latest economic and market developments 
  • Real-world impact of good stewardship 
  • Are your cash balances working hard enough? 
  • Key asset class strategies - equities and alternatives 
  • Update on CCLA's multi-asset funds 
  • Supporting sustainable income distributions 
  • Focus on the future - macro trends and implications for investors 
  • In conversation: panel discussion with CCLA's Investment Leadership Team 

5.00pm Drinks reception