Our deposit funds are managed to provide investors with a high level of capital security with easy access and a competitive interest rate. The funds ensure liquidity and are in line with a shorter-term, risk averse profile.
Bonds typically provide a higher long-term total return than cash, delivering a predictable income stream and the possibility of capital growth at certain points in the economic cycle.
Our cash and bonds funds
A money market fund seeking a high level of capital security and a competitive yield. The fund invests in a diversified portfolio of sterling denominated deposits and securities.
A short-term fund, designed for the charity sector. The fund aims to provide a high level of capital security and a competitive yield.
An actively managed portfolio invested in a range of fixed and floating rate debt and debt-related instruments issued by corporates and governments including loans, inflation-linked securities, money market instruments and asset backed or other securitised products.
A short-term fund, managed in line with the policies set by CCLA which reflect the advice created by the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group. The fund aims to provide a high level of capital security and competitive rates of interest.
An actively managed portfolio invested in a range of fixed and floating rate debt and debt-related instruments issued by corporates and governments including loans, inflation-linked securities, money market instruments and asset backed or other securitised products.