Anti-bribery and corruption statement

CCLA is committed to complying with applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws.

CCLA values its reputation and is committed to maintaining the highest level of ethical standards during the course of its business. The acts and conduct of all employees and those working on CCLA’s behalf are fundamental to maintaining those standards.

CCLA (acting through its employees and third parties) will not voluntarily give, offer, receive, pay or solicit (either directly or through a third party) the payment of any financial or other non-financial advantage or inducement, with the intention to induce or reward any person to improperly perform a function or activity that they are otherwise expected to perform in good faith, impartially or from a position of trust or in a decision making capacity.

CCLA will not tolerate its employees and/or third parties being involved in any level of fraud, corruption or bribery on its behalf.

All reported incidents of actual or suspected fraud, corruption or bribery will be promptly and thoroughly investigated and dealt with appropriately.

January 2025