We have long considered climate change to be the largest threat to our environment, our communities and, consequently, to the success of investment markets. For this reason, we are committed to accelerating the transition to a net-zero emissions economy and taking steps to protect the value of our clients’ portfolios during the transition. We achieve this through the following:

  • Acting to increase the pace of climate action by leading impactful engagements with the companies that we invest in and pushing policymakers for progressive regulation and legislation.
  • Assessing companies’ position against the energy transition as part of our investment process and avoiding those that do the most harm.
  • Aligning our portfolios with our clients’ requirements and disclosing information about our approach to managing the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.

We consider this to be part of our fiduciary duty to our clients and by taking these steps we will achieve net-zero emissions portfolios no later than 2050.

Download A Climate for Good Investment for full details of our commitment to tackling climate change.