Capital at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments and the income derived from them may fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested and may lose money.
As investors, we collectively wield great power through the weight of our assets. We believe we have a responsibility to unite in coordinating our activity, directing our efforts to promote the common good.
Fund objective
The fund will act in alignment with the mission of the Catholic Church by delivering positive change in society while delivering long-term real returns. This fund is an opportunity to work on issues related to social justice and align our investment selection with Catholic Social Teaching.
The fund objective is for capital growth and growth in income, with the aim that a gross total return of 5% per annum net of inflation as measured by the increase in the Consumer Price Index is achieved over the long term (defined as five years).
Fund policy
The Catholic Investment Fund has a faith consistent investment policy which is set by CCLA and informed by a dedicated Faith-Consistent Investment Committee.
The faith consistent investment policy is designed to reflect the teachings and mission of the Catholic Church. The policy is made up of a combination of ethical restrictions, that are targeted to avoid investing in companies whose activities contradict the Church’s teachings, and activities conducted by CCLA (such as corporate engagement) that seek to promote the common good.
Fund suitability
The Catholic Investment Fund is suitable for all charities who would like to invest responsibly to promote the common good and protect our common home.
The fund will invest in line with the Catholic faith and is suitable for investors who have an understanding or previous experience of investing in similar types of funds and are seeking a good level of distributions and long-term protection from inflation.
Who can invest?
Any charitable organisation that is defined within the meaning of the Charities Act 2011 can invest in the Catholic Investment Fund, providing that its powers permit.
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Whether you are a new investor to CCLA or topping up an existing account, please ensure that you read the fund’s prospectus and key information document (KID). The KID can help investors understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of the fund, and compare the fund with other products.
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