Capital at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments and the income derived from them may fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested and may lose money.
Key facts
Launch date
March 1999
Unit types
Minimum initial investment
Minimum subsequent investment
Dealing day
Last business day of each month
Bid to mid spread
Mid to offer spread
Fund overview
The fund aims to provide income as well as capital growth over the long term (defined as five years).
Sustainability approach
We believe that the primary role of sustainable investment is to drive positive change.
The fund is managed in line with a faith-consistent investment policy to meet clients’ desire to invest in a way that reflects Christian and Anglican teachings and is grounded in the advice produced by the Church of England’s Ethical Investment Advisory Group (EIAG). The faith-consistent investment policy applies a number of restrictions on property tenants in accordance with our values-based screening policy.
Read our summary of SDR, the investment labels and our overall approach. Fund-level information can be found here.
Investment approach
The fund invests in the COIF Charities Property Fund which is an actively managed, diversified portfolio of UK property. It currently invests in UK commercial properties (both freehold and leasehold) but may invest in other assets.
The fund is managed in line with CCLA’s approach to property investment.
Who can invest?
Any church trust with objects connected with the work of the Church of England may normally invest in the fund. This can include parochial church councils, benefices and deaneries, bell ringers and Mothers’ Union. The fund is available to Church of England schools and educational establishments as well as any other Church of England related organisation.
If you are unsure whether you can invest in the fund, please contact Client Services.
The fund currently has a redemption notice period of six months.
Fund documents
Click download all for all the documents listed in this section. Alternatively, you may download individual documents.
For Diocese use only
Click the icon to download all the forms you need in one go. Alternatively, you may download individual forms.
Ready to invest?
We're delighted you've chosen to invest with CCLA. Get the process underway by downloading our application form.
Whether you are a new investor to CCLA or topping up an existing account, please ensure that you read the fund’s scheme information and key information document (KID). The KID can help investors understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of the fund, and compare the fund with other products.
Looking for other documents? Click here to visit our client documentation page.