CCLA Better World Global Equity Fund

Capital at risk. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments and the income derived from them may fall as well as rise. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested and may lose money.

Fund overview

About the fund

The fund aims to provide a total return (the combination of capital growth and income) over the long term (defined as any rolling period of five years) by investing in high-quality companies from around the world. The fund is managed in line with CCLA’s approach to investing for a better world as outlined in CCLA’s Better World policy.

The portfolio will include between 70-90 stocks. We look for companies that we believe:  

  • demonstrate an enduring competitive advantage, measured by their cash flow return on investment and a strong track record of shareholder value creation
  • benefit from clear long-term growth trends
  • benefit from superior financial strength, with a strong balance sheet
  • are trading at valuations that are attractive.

Investment policy

The fund is actively managed and will invest at least 80% of its assets (directly or indirectly) in equities from around the world. It will normally have significant allocations to developed markets but may also invest in emerging markets (as defined by MSCI for the purposes of its developed markets indexes).

Up to 20% of the portfolio may be in a range of other investments including: bonds, infrastructure assets (indirectly), money-market instruments, cash and near cash investments.


We use our ownership rights to help change behaviours, reduce negative impacts and deliver positive real-world change. We seek to be a catalyst for change in the investment industry through the following three principles.

Act – we use our ownership rights to help improve the sustainability of the assets in which we invest. 

Assess – we embed environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the stock-picking process because we believe that a combination of legislation, regulation and changing societal preference will impact negatively on unsustainable business models.

Align – we invest in a way that we believe is aligned with our clients' values. 

Who can invest?

The fund is suitable for all types of investors who are seeking to invest in an actively managed fund. Investors should be looking to invest for at least five years and should appreciate that their capital will be at risk and that the value of their investment and any derived income may fall as well as rise. Individuals can invest via their independent financial advisor or through investment platforms.

Key facts

Launch date
April 2022
Fund size
£270.6 million (as at December 2023)
Dealing day
Every business day
Comparator benchmark
MSCI World Index
Minimum investment class C
Minimum investment class I
£20 million

Share classes

C Income
C Accumulation
I Income
I Accumulation


Ongoing charges
Class C: 0.68%, Class I: 0.58%
Annual management fee
Class C: 0.65%, Class I: 0.55%

Fund documents

Whether you are a new investor to CCLA or topping up an existing account, please ensure you read the prospectus and key investor information document (KIID). The KIID can help investors understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of the fund, and compare the fund with other products.

Looking for other documents? Click here to visit our client documentation page.

Ready to invest?

The CCLA Better World Global Equity Fund is available for investment through a variety of investment platforms or speak to your financial adviser. 

Use a platform

Platforms for individuals

Looking for advice?

A financial adviser can help plan for your financial future. You can find a financial adviser through Advisers will charge for advice.

MoneyHelper is independent and set up by the government to help people make the most of their money by giving free, impartial guidance. As well as information about pensions and retirement, they offer a wide range of other money topics. MoneyHelper can be found at

If there is a platform or adviser through which you invest already and would like to access the CCLA Better World Global Equity Fund, please contact our Client Services team.

Freephone: 0800 022 3505