We not only promote Good Investment but we also wholeheartedly believe in the power of doing good to change lives, strengthen communities and contribute to civil society. 

We invest in a rolling programme of training for trustees and executives to ensure they are able to fulfil their obligations as good stewards. We provide a significant level of financial and in-kind support to a wide range of social sector organisations.

This activity is ‘organised’ through a wide network of long-term, sustainable relationships with key sector infrastructure bodies, and achieved by the application of our profit, people, premises, procurement, promotion and power.

CCLA provides core funding and event sponsorship; we resource research and policy-related activity, co-producing awards programmes to recognise achievement, as well as putting our offices and hospitality at their disposal without charge. Our staff are actively encouraged to get involved in the sector through trusteeship or volunteering. All of this engagement enables us to keep abreast of sector developments and ensures that we maintain a deep understanding of the issues facing our core markets.

Ever wondered where our images come from?

We support Koestler Arts. Koestler Arts is the UK’s leading arts charity. It is nationally respected for its ground-breaking work using the arts as a catalyst for positive change in the lives of people within the criminal justice system and in the public’s perception of their potential. Creativity can support prisoners to learn new skills and gain the confidence to live positive and productive lives. The impact of art in prisons is broad, often providing a springboard for positive change.

The images shown below are used on this website courtesy of Koestler Arts.

Please visit the Koestler Arts website to learn more about the good work they do.

Koestler Arts logo