We act as an agent for change because investment markets can only be as healthy as the environment and communities that support them.

We act as an agent for change by:

Using our ownership rights to improve the sustainability of the assets we invest in.

Bringing investors together to address systemic risks that have not had the attention they require.

Seeking to be a catalyst for change in the investment industry.

A Better World, not just a better portfolio

Our approach to engagement frequently goes beyond the constituents of our portfolios. We believe that this top‑down, or ‘systemic’ approach to stewardship can be the quickest and most efficient way of driving progress at the company level.

By helping accelerate progress in meeting the major global sustainability challenges, we seek to limit risks before they negatively impact the function of society and the performance of our clients’ investments. 

How we create change

We believe that active ownership, the practice of working actively to encourage positive changes in companies’ business practices, is the most effective way that investors can help bring about positive real-world change.

Our approach incorporates:

Creating, convening and participating in collaborative shareholder initiatives to address some of the major sustainability challenges. By working with other investors, we can increase the impact of our engagement beyond just the companies we invest in.

Working directly with companies that we invest in to address specific sustainability risks they may face. This work includes engagement meetings with management, proxy voting at company meetings, attending AGMs, and filing shareholder resolutions.

Engaging with government to push for progressive regulation and legislation where we believe it is needed.   

Key initiatives

Illustration of fruit picking

Addressing modern slavery

We believe that businesses can play a key role in the fight to end modern slavery. We aim to use the power of investors to encourage more effective action to find, fix and prevent modern slavery.

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Busy townscape illustration

Improving mental health

We have developed the CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmarks which rate companies’ policies and processes for protecting the mental health of their staff.

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Koestler Arts – A Break from the World

Accelerating climate action

We have pledged to achieve Net Zero emissions portfolios for listed equity no later than 2050 via real-world emissions reductions.

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