
Watch, read and listen to topics that shape our world.

Our in-house experts share their thoughts and perspectives covering news, research and insights into the global economy.  

Find it, Fix it, Prevent it

Despite the fact that slavery is illegal, it is estimated that today 50 million people find themselves in some form of modern slavery or human trafficking. Hear from Martin Buttle, Better Work Lead at CCLA, on how CCLA is pushing for action to end modern slavery.

Better World Series: Interview with Catherine Howarth

In the fourth episode of a CCLA sponsored series, Catherine Howarth, Chief Executive of ShareAction, talks to Net Zero Investor. The interview highlights the importance of shareholder activism in promoting responsible investment and moving companies from conversation to action in the transition to net zero. 


Better World Series: Interview with Danielle Fugere

In the third episode of a CCLA sponsored series, Danielle Fugere, President and Chief Counsel, As You Sow, talks to Net Zero Investor. The interview covers why shareholder engagement is important for companies in achieving decarbonisation, setting net zero targets and building long-term value and longevity. 

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Unprecedented market conditions - managing the Deposit Funds through a live stress test

Much has been written in recent weeks on the ill-fated UK ‘fiscal event’ set out on 23 September and its impact on the value of sterling and the UK fixed interest markets. This article looks at how CCLA has managed the £3.5 billion of investments within its three Deposit Funds through this ‘once in a generation’ market turbulence and how the Funds will invest over the coming months.