Investor Briefing

Investor Briefing icon

Wednesday 27 July 2022, 11.00–11.45am

CCLA invites you to a 45-minute webinar covering:

  • Highlights of economic and investment market developments
  • CCLA multi-asset funds update: activity, positioning and performance
  • Latest news on ESG factors and our stewardship activity

CCLA Investment Seminar – Manchester

Manchester City Football Stadium

Thursday 20 October 2022

The 2022 Investment Seminar Series is designed to enable you to do more than just meet your obligations in managing your charity. We hope that the knowledge and insights, shared in a practical and accessible way, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, will help you make the best use of your investments in an environment of significant change.

CCLA Investment Seminar – Exeter

Sandy Park

Tuesday 6 December 2022

The 2022 Investment Seminar Series is designed to enable you to do more than just meet your obligations in managing your charity. We hope that the knowledge and insights, shared in a practical and accessible way, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, will help you make the best use of your investments in an environment of significant change.

Momentous ruling by the UK High Court

A new High Court judgement has ruled on trustees’ ability to align their investments with their charities’ values. The judgment has clarified that trustees 'need to' undertake a balancing exercise between maximising their returns and avoiding investments that could contradict their aims. We believe that this ruling should make trustees more confident in their ability to align their investments with their charitable missions. However, we do not believe that they necessarily have to sacrifice returns to achieve this.

CCLA Breakfast Seminar – Newcastle

Hilton Hotel Newcastle Gateshead

Thursday 21 July 2022

The 2022 Investment Seminar Series is designed to enable you to do more than just meet your obligations in managing your charity. We hope that the knowledge and insights, shared in a practical and accessible way, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, will help you make the best use of your investments in an environment of significant change.

CCLA Investment Seminar – Birmingham

Hyatt Regency Birmingham

Thursday 22 September 2022

The 2022 Investment Seminar Series is designed to enable you to do more than just meet your obligations in managing your charity. We hope that the knowledge and insights, shared in a practical and accessible way, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, will help you make the best use of your investments in an environment of significant change.