Investor Briefing

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CCLA invites you to a 45-minute webinar covering:

  • Highlights of economic and investment market developments 
  • CCLA multi-asset funds update: activity, positioning and performance 
  • Latest news on ESG factors and our stewardship activity 

The changing shape of globalisation and its investment implications

While it is still too early to conclusively remark that we are in a new era of deglobalisation, it is likely that we are now seeing some significant shifts in globalisation, which is being redefined by geopolitics, and increasingly nationalism and protectionist measures. In this article we examine these factors and their investment implications. 

Investors back call for large UK companies to provide cost-of-living support to low paid

The CCLA and Church Investors Group wrote to 100 of the UK’s largest listed employers to ask what they are doing to provide support to low-paid workers through the cost-of-living crisis. In response to the letter a 17-strong investor coalition with £3.2 trillion in assets under management have united to back the initiative.

Is good corporate governance an indicator for good financial performance? CCLA thinks it is

In the world of ESG investing, the G is often poorly understood yet governance is at the heart of delivering shareholder and stakeholder value. Poor corporate governance poses a substantial risk to the long-term performance of companies. This article explores whether good corporate governance is an indicator for good financial performance. 

Unprecedented market conditions - managing the Deposit Funds through a live stress test

Much has been written in recent weeks on the ill-fated UK ‘fiscal event’ set out on 23 September and its impact on the value of sterling and the UK fixed interest markets. This article looks at how CCLA has managed the £3.5 billion of investments within its three Deposit Funds through this ‘once in a generation’ market turbulence and how the Funds will invest over the coming months.