Quarterly Investor Briefing – Webinar

Quarterly Investor Briefing Image

Thursday 8 February 

CCLA invites you to a webinar covering:

  • Highlights of economic and investment market developments
  • CCLA multi-asset funds update: activity, positioning and performance
  • Latest news on ESG factors and our stewardship activity

Modern slavery – how financial institutions can influence the approach of global business

In our latest article, we look at the role financial institutions can play in tackling modern slavery. We also share an update on our Find it, Fix it, Prevent it collaborative investor engagement programme which aims to use our leverage as investors to help companies find, fix, and prevent modern slavery in their supply chains.

Cost-of-living engagement

While the government has a key role to play in supporting individuals through the cost-of-living crisis, we discuss how there is a role for employers too. In this article we also share our work to support some of the most vulnerable members of our community through the cost-of-living crisis.

Unthunking the ESG glunk

Has ESG investing truly grasped the urgent need to drive change on the issues we face? In this article we look at how investors have a key role to play in working with the investment industry to ‘unthunk this ESG glunk’ and get real about driving positive and lasting change.

Say on Climate

CCLA is clear on the imperative to act on climate change. It is critical for companies to act decisively in the next decade, to set out a transition plan to explain their decarbonisation plan and put such plans for AGM approval. We have written to FTSE all-share companies encouraging a transition plan vote, with overall positive responses. Transition plan votes have gained traction globally with a marked increase in resolutions in Europe and Australia year on year.