CCLA Investment Seminar - Birmingham

The Grand Birmingham

Wednesday 6 November 

The 2024 Investment Seminar Series is designed to enable you to do more than just meet your obligations in managing your charity. We hope that the knowledge and insights, shared in a practical and accessible way, and the opportunity to learn from the experience of others, will help you make the best use of your investments in an environment of significant change.

Is William Wilberforce relevant for today's society?

Wilberforce Thumbnail

Wednesday 24 April 

On the 24 February 1807, the House of Commons voted by 283 votes to 16 to end the trade in human slaves in all British territory. The principal opponent of the slave trade within Parliament and a leading figure in the diverse coalition of campaigners against the evil trade was a man named William Wilberforce. He worked closely with others building a broad coalition for the common good.

What are the lessons can we learn from Wilberforce today? What about the continued challenges of modern slavery.


Quarterly Investor Briefing – Webinar

Quarterly Investor Briefing Image

Tuesday 21 May

CCLA invites you to a webinar covering:

  • Highlights of economic and investment market developments
  • CCLA multi-asset funds update: activity, positioning and performance
  • Latest news on ESG factors and our stewardship activity